Frequently Asked Questions

Smillz Tooth Gem Kit offers a temporary sparkle! The tooth gems can last from the time of application until they naturally fall off or are removed, last between 1 month to 6 month. However, the longevity may vary; some may experience shorter or longer durations depending on individual factors and how they handle the gems.

Rest assured, you can still maintain your oral hygiene and enjoy your favorite meals without any issues. Please note that Smillz Tooth Gem Kit is designed for single-use; once the gems come off, they cannot be reused. To maximize the lifespan of your tooth gems and preserve the resin, it's best to store the kit in a dark place, away from UV light and direct sunlight.

Keep in mind that each person's teeth have unique textures, shapes, and sizes, which can influence the duration of the gem's stay. Therefore, results may vary, and we cannot guarantee that everyone will have the same outcome. Your experience might differ from that of your friends.

Removing your Smillz Tooth Gem is a breeze! If the gem doesn't naturally come off within 1 to 6 months, there are simple methods you can use for safe removal. Here's how:

Gentle Picking: You can easily pick off the tooth gem using your fingernail or even a tweezer. Gently lift the gem from the tooth surface until it comes off.

Floss Technique: Slide a piece of dental floss between your tooth and the Smillz Tooth Gem. This will help to loosen the gem, making it easier to remove.

Nail Scratching: If you notice a bit of residual resin or gem backing on your tooth after removing the gem, you can carefully scratch it off with your fingernail. Be gentle to avoid any harm to your tooth.

Emory Board (Nail File) Option: In some cases, you may use the tip of an emory board, also known as a nail file, to remove any remaining backing or resin. Be cautious to only file away the backing material and not your tooth.

Remember, your safety and dental health are essential. If you encounter any difficulties during removal or have concerns, consider seeking assistance from a dental professional. Enjoy the freedom to switch up your smile's style with Smillz Tooth Gem Kit!

Smillz Tooth Gems feature Dental Grade and Dentist-approved Smillz UV Bonding Resin and Smillz Cleansing Gel. Here's how they work together to ensure a secure and durable hold on your teeth:

Cleansing Gel Application: When you apply the Cleansing Gel on your tooth, it microscopically buffs the enamel, creating a temporary chalky appearance. The duration and effectiveness of the gem's adhesion depend on how long you apply the Cleansing Gel and the level of chalkiness achieved on the tooth's surface.

UV Bonding Resin: After applying the Cleansing Gel, the Smillz UV Bonding Resin is used to bond the gem to your tooth. The resin creates a strong and reliable connection between the tooth and the gem.

UV Light Curing: The Smillz UV Bonding Resin is cured and dried using a UV light. This process solidifies the resin, ensuring the gem stays securely in place.

The combination of Cleansing Gel, Smillz UV Bonding Resin, and the UV light curing process guarantees a stable attachment, offering a similar experience to a gel manicure, but specially designed for your teeth. Just like when you prep and buff your nails before applying polish, the Cleansing Gel and Resin work together to create a long-lasting and captivating smile. Embrace the radiance of your personalized smile with Smillz Tooth Gem Kit!

Smillz Tooth Gem Kits are the ultimate DIY Temporary Tooth Gem experience, designed to add a touch of sparkle to your smile! Our kits are crafted with care, combining the brilliance of Smillz crystals with Dental Grade UV Bonding Resin and Cleansing Gel, all set by a UV light to create a dazzling smile.

No need to worry! All materials used in Smillz Tooth Gem Kits are Dental Grade and Dentist approved, ensuring their safety and suitability for your tooth. They are specifically designed for tooth application and will not cause any harm to your teeth. However, it is essential to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any potential issues.

Here's what you need to know about the safety of our materials:

  1. Dental Grade and Dentist Approved: The gem, resin, and gel included in our kits meet high dental standards and have received approval from dentists. You can trust that they are safe for tooth application.
  2. Mild and Temporary Sensitivity: While the application process is generally painless, some users may experience mild and temporary tooth sensitivity. This sensation is similar to what you might feel after whitening your teeth or using certain dental products.
  3. Usage Precautions: Although the materials are dental grade and safe for tooth use, they may contain chemicals that can be harmful if used improperly or applied to areas other than the tooth. It is crucial to apply the resin and gel only to the tooth surface and avoid any contact with gums or other mucus membranes.
  4. Follow Care and Warnings: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, carefully follow the instructions provided in the kit. Adhering to the care and warning guidelines will help you achieve the best results while safeguarding your dental health.

Embrace the dazzling brilliance of Smillz Tooth Gem Kits with confidence, knowing that we prioritize your safety and dental well-being. Create a mesmerizing smile and let your personality shine through with our dentist-approved materials!

Applying a Smillz Tooth Gem is a painless and enjoyable process. It's a fun and straightforward DIY activity that anyone can do! During the application, you won't experience any discomfort or pain.

However, it's worth mentioning that some users may encounter mild and temporary tooth sensitivity after the application. This sensation is similar to what you might feel after whitening your teeth or using whitening toothpaste. Rest assured, any sensitivity you may experience will be short-lived and should subside quickly.

So, get ready to embrace the excitement and delight of adding a dazzling touch to your smile with Smillz Tooth Gems, without any worries about discomfort during the application! Shine on with Smillz!

Rest assured, our Smillz Tooth Gem Kits are designed with your safety in mind. The tooth gems included in our kits are made of non-toxic and lead-free materials, making them safe for accidental ingestion.

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Non-Toxic and Lead-Free Gems: The gems used in our kits are carefully chosen to be non-toxic and lead-free. This means that even if a gem is accidentally swallowed, it poses no danger to your health.
  2. Accidental Swallowing is Not Dangerous: While we do not encourage intentionally ingesting the gems, if one is accidentally swallowed, there is no need to worry. It will pass through your digestive system harmlessly.
  3. Prevent Ingestion: To minimize the risk of accidental swallowing, we recommend handling the gems with care and avoiding placing them in your mouth or near food and drinks. Always keep the gems within their intended use, which is adorning your teeth.

At Smillz, your safety is of utmost importance to us, and we take every precaution to ensure that our products are safe and enjoyable to use. Enjoy the glimmering beauty of our tooth gems with confidence, knowing that they are harmless if accidentally ingested. Keep smiling and shining bright with Smillz Tooth Gem Kits!

Yes! Smillz Tooth Gem Kits are safe to use on veneers and dentures. However, it's important to note that the longevity of the gems may vary on these surfaces compared to natural tooth enamel.

To ensure the best application and longevity on veneers and dentures, we recommend using our special cleaning gel, specially formulated for these dental restorations. Our cleaning gel is designed to provide optimal adhesion and preserve the gem's sparkle on veneers and dentures.

With our dental-grade cleaning gel, you can confidently enjoy the beauty of Smillz Tooth Gems on your veneers or dentures, adding a touch of radiance to your smile. Shine bright with Smillz, whether you have natural teeth, veneers, or dentures!

Yes, you may experience a slight bitter or sour taste in your mouth after the application of the UV Bonding Resin or Cleansing Gel, similar to the taste of eating a lemon. However, there's no need to be concerned, as the taste is temporary and will go away after rinsing your mouth with water. We recommend thoroughly rinsing your mouth out with water after the application to ensure a fresh and pleasant taste.

Please remember not to ingest the UV Bonding Resin or Cleansing Gel intentionally. Although our products are safe for dental use, ingesting a large amount (more than a pea size) should be avoided. In case of accidental ingestion or swallowing of a significant amount, we advise you to seek immediate medical attention by contacting a Doctor or poison control center.

At Smillz, we prioritize your safety and strive to provide you with a delightful and secure experience. Embrace the enchanting sparkle of Smillz Tooth Gems while being mindful of proper usage and care. Happy smiling!

There is no age limit for wearing Smillz Tooth Gems – they are suitable for individuals of all ages! However, for children under 14 years old, we strongly recommend parental supervision during the application process. The Cleansing Gel, if used improperly, can potentially cause minor irritation to mucus membranes. It is essential to apply the gel carefully to avoid any discomfort.

Furthermore, to prevent any accidental ingestion, it is crucial to supervise young children closely during the application. In case of accidental swallowing or ingestion of a significant amount of gel, seek immediate medical attention.

With proper guidance and supervision, Smillz Tooth Gems can be enjoyed safely and bring a touch of sparkle to everyone's smile, regardless of age! Shine bright and embrace your unique style with Smillz!

At Smillz, all sales are final, and we do not offer returns, exchanges, or refunds due to the nature of the product. We want to ensure the best possible experience for our customers, and therefore, we encourage you to carefully consider your purchase before completing it.

However, we understand that circumstances may arise, and we have updated our return policy to allow customers to cancel unfulfilled and unshipped orders for a full refund. If you wish to cancel an order or have any questions, please reach out to our customer service team at While we will do our utmost to accommodate your request, we cannot guarantee the cancellation of all orders.

In the rare event that a product arrives not as described or if there are damaged/missing items in your package, please inform us within 14 days of receipt. We will promptly provide replacements for the affected products. To facilitate this process, kindly provide photos of the issue for our assessment.

We value your satisfaction and aim to provide the best possible service. Should you encounter any concerns or have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team. Your smile and happiness are our priority at Smillz!


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