Collection: For Professionals

Smillz FOR PROFESSIONALS: Professional Tooth Gem Application Training and Kit

Smillz introduces the FOR PROFESSIONALS kit, designed to enhance your expertise in dental aesthetics. This exclusive kit comes with tooth gem application training, and successful completion of the training grants participants a certification.

Training Contents:

  • Teeth Model: Realistic dental model for practical applications.
  • Glove: Single-use protective gloves for hand safety.
  • UV Protective Glass: Specialized eyewear for protection against UV rays.
  • Cleansing Gel: Formulated gel for dental cleaning.
  • UV Bonding Resin: UV-curable bonding resin.
  • Cheek Retractors: Tools used to retract the cheeks for better visibility.
  • Dental PMT Set: Professional tooth gem application set.
  • Cotton Rolls: Cotton rolls used during procedures.
  • Gem Picker Wax Pen: Specialized wax pen for easy gem selection.
  • LED Curing Light: Light source for quick curing of UV resin.
  • Disposable Micro Brush: Single-use micro brushes.

Training and Certification: Upon successful completion of the tooth gem application training included in the kit, participants will receive an exclusive certification from Smillz. This certification signifies advanced knowledge and expertise in your professional field.


  • Quality and Reliability: Smillz is known for products that meet health standards and are reliable and effective.
  • Wide Product Range: We offer a comprehensive set containing everything necessary for tooth gem applications.
  • Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support to help you maintain and enhance your professional development.

Elevate your expertise in dental aesthetics with Smillz FOR PROFESSIONALS. Stand out with reliable, effective, and innovative products. Take a step towards becoming a leader in professional tooth gem applications now!